Keadilan Dalam Perspektif Keluarga Sakinah
Ahmad Muhaini
Kata Kunci:
polygamy justice, marriage, sakinah familyAbstrak
Knowledge about the sakinah family, including the justice of polygamy, is mostly constructed by the thoughts of male scholars. It can be seen from the texts of classical literature, both fiqh and interpretation, that they were built from patriarchal culture. Some countries also legalize in their regulations, including the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). So that the conception of the sakinah family that is more violent is the concept of the sakinah family from the point of view of male clerics. The study of the justice of polygamy in the perspective of the sakinah family is normative. The data mining technique uses documentation techniques, in the sense that it is based on library research. All documents in the form of articles, books, opinions and policies in this case become the primary data source. From this discussion, the author can conclude several important points, as follows: First, the sakinah family is a pillar or foundation in building the values of justice. Second, the sakinah family must be a solution to household problems that refer to maqasyid shari'ah. Third, the sakinah family becomes a fortress of family problems.